The information on small wind turbines available out-there is scarce and outdated. That’s why we have created a series of free webinars from which you will be available to receive first-hand information from the global leaders on different topics like policies, markets and technology.
Small wind workshop on regulatory framework
First of a series of workshops that will discuss and evaluate the current regulatory framework for small wind systems around the world.
The workshop will focus on regulations for the installation of small wind systems, e.g. Building permits. It will have a panel of experts from major small wind markets and will be open for all participants to engage actively during the conversations.
Date: 29 January 2021
– Mike Bergey, Bergey Windpower, USA
– Patrick Jüttemann,, Germany
– Sven Ruin, TEROC, Sweden
– Tonny Brink, Nordic Folkecenter, Denmark
– Jean Pitteloud, WWEA, Germany
Achieving energy self-sufficiency with a small wind turbine
Meet and interact with industry leaders, small wind practitioners and experts from different countries. You will learn about best practices, how to choose a small wind turbine and what you need to know about siting and installation, the evolution of the technology, combining small wind and solar PV, off-grid operation and more.
Date: 28 May 2020
Agenda – CET time (by 20.05.2020):
- Peter Rae AO & Morten V. Petersen, WWEA: Welcome
- Patrick Juttermann, Most common mistakes with small wind turbines
- Sven Ruin, Teroc SE: How to choose the right small wind turbine
- Mike Bergey, Bergey Windpower: Generating electricity at a lower cost: New Excel 15kW turbine
- Juande Bornay, Bornay: Hybrid Solutions, Small Wind + Solar
- Pia Jakobsen, Viking Wind: Viking VS, Robust Danish Wind Turbine Design
- Jean Pitteloud, WWEA: All about the small wind platform
Main Driver of the Small Wind Markets
Join the free webinar to hear from global experts presenting on small wind policies in North America and Europe, as well as potential and barriers for development markets in Asia and Africa.
Date: 5 March 2020
- Stefan Gsänger, Secretary General, WWEA / Welcome
- Jean-Daniel Pitteloud, Small Wind Expert, WWEA / General Status of Global Small Wind Markets
- Mike Bergey, CEO & Founder, Bergey Windpower / Federal Incentives for Small Wind in the USA
- Zeeshan Ashfaq, Country Representative, WWEA Pakistan / Potential and barriers for small scale wind generation in Pakistan
- Rana Pratap Singh, Industrial Development Officer, UNIDO / UNIDO activities on small scale renewable generation